肺癌治療新發現 外泌體助攻早期肺癌診斷


合作企業:Johnson & Johnson Enterprise Innovation, Inc.




We collected 25 AAH tissue samples, 70 AIS tissue samples, and 73 MIA tissue samples. The pathologist identified the tumor part from the slides (Figure 2). Then, DNA and RNA were extracted from the slides. After library and sequencing by NGS, the data were collected for advanced analysis.

The pathologist identified the tumor part from the slides

圖片:The pathologist identified the tumor part from the slides

Data analysis of the pilot study
First, the nucleic acid amount were all adequate for library. Then, t the expression of gene expression of NGS were adequate for all samples (Figure 3).
Comparing the tumor part with the adjacent normal part, there were 451 up-regulated genes and 1686 down-regulated genes after merging the AIS and MIA tissue samples (Figure 4).

gene expression of NGS

圖片:gene expression of NGS

AIS and MIA tissue samples

圖片:AIS and MIA tissue samples

Then, we explored the relation between tissue samples and mutation numbers. We just select the mutation reads > 5 and allele frequencies > 0.03, and MIA tissue seems have a higher mutation numbers than AIS tissues. The mutation list were listed in Figure 5. The mutation of ERBB2 and EGFR were also detected.

mutation list

圖片:mutation list

The candidate gene mutations associated with the early lung cancer.
We also analyzed the different gene expression associated with the invasion of early lung cancer. The genes, JTB and TMED7, both showed lower expression levels in MIA invasive parts than those in AIS or MIA-AIS parts. CHMP4A showed a higher expression level than the other two types (Figure 6).

different gene expression associated with the invasion

圖片:different gene expression associated with the invasion

Subgroups in AIS and MIA samples
Next, we investigated the transcriptome-based clusters, focusing on AIS and MIA samples. We used non-negative factorization (NMF) to identify the three clusters based on the genes which are highly expressed in AIS or MIA, but lowly expressed in normal tissues. Cluster 1 and 3 (C1 & C3) were majorly MIA samples, but C2 was AIS samples. The function analysis of the cluster-specific genes revealed that immune-related functions were highly expressed in C1 and C2 samples, but C3 did not have significantly enriched functions. We would like to ask whether these subgroups are related to lung cancer progression. Because there were no relapse samples in our cohort, TCGA-LUAD cohort was used to assess the association of subgroups and progression, and we only focused on the stage I-II samples. Based on the cluster-specific genes, TCGA-LUAD were assigned to different subgroups, and we found C3 has better progression-free survival rate than C1 and C2.

Subgroups in AIS and MIA samples

圖片:Subgroups in AIS and MIA samples

分項計畫C優化第一年計畫所建立的AI輔助標註系統,可依使用情境提升早期肺腫瘤區域至靈敏度達97%以減少漏診/漏標註機會。並藉由AI輔助標註系統協助資深病理專科醫師加速標註工作,取得152片具專業標註的全玻片數位早期肺癌組織病理影像。進一步建立早期肺癌組織病理分類器的演算法程式碼及訓練流程,經校調後的模型分類正常組織/良性腫瘤/侵襲性組織之效能,評估Receiver Operating Characteristic曲線下面積 (AUROC)指標均優於0.98,並可自動量測腫瘤最大直徑供診斷參考(Figure 7)。圖示化驗證模型確實可辨識良性腫瘤/侵襲性組織在病理影像中的位置區域(Figure 8)。(預計) 此外亦建立早期肺癌病理影像生物標記預測模型,至少1項生物標記預測效能AUROC>0.7。

組織病理分類器測試(Patch-level test; N=21)、可視化和腫瘤最大徑量測

圖片:組織病理分類器測試(Patch-level test; N=21)、可視化和腫瘤最大徑量測

組織病理分類器預測區域與醫師標註區域的圖示化比較,左至右: 熱圖、模型預測之遮罩(紅色)、醫師標註(良性腫瘤:綠色;侵襲性組織:藍色)、遮罩與醫師標註之疊圖(黃色/紫色:兩者交集)

圖片:組織病理分類器預測區域與醫師標註區域的圖示化比較,左至右: 熱圖、模型預測之遮罩(紅色)、醫師標註(良性腫瘤:綠色;侵襲性組織:藍色)、遮罩與醫師標註之疊圖(黃色/紫色:兩者交集)

The retrospectively banked bio-samples of the tumor tissue and adjacent normal tissues will be subjected to a NGS panel examining for whole exomes and RNA sequencing (RNAseq).
The first stage (a pilot study) has been designed to check the feasibility of the whole work flow and to look for potential genetic targets with different mutation pattern or expression level in tumor and normal tissue. A pilot study will be performed first to evaluate the feasibility of normal tissue and tumor tissue for whole exosome sequence and RNA-seq.
Upon success of the pilot study and subject to the decision of Janssen, the second phase of the Project will be initiated which would involve an additional 143 cases.

